Winners of the 1066 Hastings & Rother Business Awards 2024

On Thursday 6th June, Let’s Do Business Group hosted the 1066 Hastings & Rother Business Awards to celebrate its 30th birthday!

Originating in Hastings 30 years ago, Let’s Do Business Group has served as a leading provider of businesses support, finance, marketing, and training to businesses across the Southeast and East of England.

The award-winning social enterprise was established to help individuals and businesses achieve their dreams through high-quality expert advice from start-up support to established businesses looking to take their next step and grow.

Held at the stunning Bannatynes Hotel in Hastings, the afternoon included a two-course luncheon and the awards presentation as well as two keynote speakers – Rachel Watkyns of Tiny Box Company and Rich Moore of the Source BMX who have both seen substantial growth through their respective businesses over the years.

Winners of the 1066 Hastings & Rother Business Awards 2024 |

Winners of the 1066 Hastings & Rother Business Awards 2024 |

2024 Best New Business - Thai in Town

2024 Best New Business Winner - Thai in Town

Best New Business

Sponsored by Holland Harper LLP

Honouring an exceptional start-up business that has demonstrated unparalleled creativity, resilience, and impact in their early stages, the Best New Business category was awarded to Thai in Town.

The quality of the Best New Business applicants was high, but Thai in Town stood out due to the owner’s innovation, the impact on the local community and the scale of success in such a short space of time.
— Roy Holland, Partner, Holland Harper LLP


2024 Community Spirit Award Winner - Little Gate Farm

Community Spirit

Sponsored by Marshall-Tufflex

Honouring individuals and the organisations dedicated to making a positive impact on their communities, the Community Spirit category was awarded to Little Gate Farm.

We were hugely impressed by both the quantity and the quality of the entries into the Community Spirit Award.  We finally decided on Little Gate as the winner due to the huge amount of opportunities they have given to local people with learning disabilities through their supported employment scheme. It’s a fantastic scheme and has been of great benefit to local employers as well.
— Ronnie Ford, Marketing Services Manager, Marshall-Tufflex

2024 Extra Mile Award Winner - Frankie’s at the Beach

Extra Mile

Sponsored by Goldstar IT Consultancy

Celebrating an organisation that goes above and beyond, setting the gold standard for customer service and satisfaction, the Extra Mile category was awarded to Frankies at the Beach.

For a small business like Frankies, we could see the commitment to achieving the extra mile in customer service was engrained in the culture of Frankies which is why we felt they deserved the award.
— Paul Goldsmith, Director, Goldstar IT Consultancy

2024 Future Leader Winner - Tora Goodbrand, Freedom Works

Future Leader

Sponsored by AAK BD Foods

Highlighting emerging talents under 35 who demonstrate exceptional leadership qualities, the Future Leader category was awarded to Tora Goodbrand from Freedom Works.

It is clear Tora has shown leadership qualities in all aspects of her role - from taking responsibility in the refurbishment of the new Freedom Works space to creating a welcoming space for members and building community, Tora’s achievements are evident and the passion of those who work with her came through in the nomination. She is a great candidate for the Future Leader award and a well-deserved winner.
— Amy Sheppard, Supply Chain Manager, AAK BD Foods

2024 Growth Champion - Kurt J Lesker

2024 Growth Champion Winner - Kurt J Lesker

Growth Champion

Sponsored by Beaming

Celebrating a business that has exhibited outstanding growth in terms of revenue, market share, and overall impact on their respective industries, the Growth Champion category was awarded to Kurt J Lesker

2024 Lone Ranger Winner - Mini Mouthfuls

Lone Ranger

Sponsored by Heringtons Solicitors

Recognising the tenacity and motivation of self-employed business owner that is the heart and soul of their business, striving for success whilst doing it alone, the Lone Ranger category was awarded to Mini Mouthfuls.

Mini Mouthfuls award entry embodied what it is to be a Lone Ranger. Working tirelessly to set-up the business single-handedly and continuing to run the day-to-day dealings in both the high street shop and on-line, achieving admirable growth along the way. Juliet and her business are an inspiration to other entrepreneurs seeking to go it alone.
— Andy Hiesley, Head of Property, Heringtons Solicitors

2024 New Direction Award Winner - Interface Precision Engineering

New Directions

Sponsored by Lightning Fibre

Recognising a business that has successfully navigated change through innovation and strategic adaptation, the New Directions category was awarded to Interface Precision Engineering.

Lightning Fibre is delighted to support the 1066 Business Awards, and specifically the New Directions Award. Change takes courage. For a business to change direction, name, sector, or product offering is a risk clearly worth taking for the great businesses who entered this award this year. Interface Precision Engineering have made considerable investment in their business and business systems to enable them to expand their services into new, overseas markets, delivering growth and profit.
— Joe Brownell, Head of Business, Partnerships & Agreements, Lightning Fibre

2024 People First Award Winner - Bournes

People First

Sponsored by TE Connectivity

Celebrating employers who prioritise the wellbeing and professional growth of their workforce, the People First category was awarded to Bournes.

We also saw 4 businesses who were highly commended in their categories:

  • Catsfield Christmas Tree Farm – Community Spirit

  • Medical Dressings – Extra Mile

  • Interface Precision Engineering – Growth Champion

  • Barnaby’s – New Directions

A massive congratulations to the winners and finalists from all the team at Let’s Do Business Group! We hope that everyone had a wonderful afternoon celebrating and networking with local businesses.


Her Biz March 2024 Winner


1066 Hastings and Rother Business Awards Set to Shine Next Week