Working with
Let’s Do Business Group
Let’s Do Business Group is an award winning deliverer of contracts – with an emphasis on ensuring the fulfillment or targets whilst ensuring outstanding customer service. We work collaboratively with others to ensure that businesses get the best support available to them.
We have a proven track record of delivering highly effective business support and training programmes for SMEs across the South East and East of England. We have delivered contracts on behalf of East Sussex County Council, Essex County Council, British Business Bank, and Natwest Bank and are a quality-assured member of the National Enterprise Network.
View our video below to discover how working with us can provide a measurable impact on the local business community.
Our successes have included:
Business Centres
Management of the Newhaven Enterprise Centre and Ongar Business Centre on behalf of Lewes District and Essex County Councils and provision of Enterprise support to tenants at The Business Terrace in Maidstone.
Other contracts
We have successfully delivered programmes for the Department of Work and Pensions (winning their awards for Best Customer Service and Best Third Sector Deliverer); the Department of Business Energy and the Industrial Strategy; a partnership of the National Enterprise Network and Barclays Bank; Rother District Council; the Regional Development Agency and Kent Invicta Chamber of Commerce.
Fully funded by East Sussex County Council, the 5 District and Borough Councils, and The European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), Locate East Sussex is the Inward Investment service for the county, supporting businesses looking to relocate or grow. We have delivered the contract since 2017 and in the last 3 years have:
Helped to create 134 new jobs
Supported over 80 businesses to move into or relocate within East Sussex
Ensured the safeguarding of 333 jobs
The *Connecting Hastings and Rother Together (CHART) project was a Community-Led Local Development (CLLD) Programme that included tailored and free support to help start-ups and established businesses in Hastings, Sidley, and Central Bexhill to grow. The project was part-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) under Hastings Borough Council,
In the two-year project we:
Supported over 300 businesses
Provided a host of workshops for pre-starts and existing businesses
Helped to create 46 new jobs in the area
Managing Inward Investment contracts on behalf of East Sussex and Essex County Councils.
Contract value £3.1m over three years.
Exceeded the number of businesses to be supported by 22%
Supported the creation of 309 jobs
The Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government commented ‘We consider this as one of our best performing projects.’ -
Contract value £1.1m
Exceeded number of businesses to be supported by 38%
Exceeded number of jobs to be created by 39%
Only regional partner to have achieved all targets
£2.5m lent so far helping create and protect 613 jobs, of which more than 50% were for females.
29% of loans to women lead businesses.
Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme
Enterprise Finance Guarantee Scheme
Lead Start Up Loans delivery partner since its inception in 2012 across Sussex, Surrey and Kent.
Now also covering London, Hertfordshire and Essex.
More than £5m lent to 472 businesses.
Delivery of Her Biz on behalf of NatWest – a pre business start programme to support women into enterprise.
We are delivering current programmes with Hastings Borough Council, Maidstone Borough Council and Reigate and Banstead Council.
We deliver the East Sussex Invest loan and grant programme in partnership with East Sussex County Council supporting business growth in the county.
Work with us!
If you are looking for a partner to help deliver support in your area, then please get in touch, we would love to hear from you.