FREE programme to assist aspiring and early stage social entrepreneurs in clarifying their ideas for setting up a social enterprise.
Join Edeal for a FREE practical one-day workshop designed to assist aspiring and early-stage social entrepreneurs in clarifying their ideas for setting up a successful social enterprise in Eastbourne. This workshop will focus on developing a clear vision, mission and purpose for your social enterprise, providing you with the foundation needed for success. Additionally, you will have the opportunity to access free 1-2-1 mentoring with an Edeal business expert after the workshop.
What is a Social Enterprise
A social enterprise is a business that aims to shape positive change in the world. It puts the interests of people and the planet ahead of shareholder gain. While it operates within a traditional business structure, it differs from typical commercial organisations. These businesses are driven by a social/environmental mission into creating positive social change.
Outcomes of the workshop:
By participating in this workshop, you can expect to achieve the following outcomes:
1. Gain a clear understanding of what a social enterprise is and if its right for you.
2. Have a clear outline of what your idea would look like as a business trading for profit for a social or environmental mission.
3. Have a clear idea of what social and environmental changes you will make and how the impacts will be measured.
4. An understanding on what is involved in setting up and running a social enterprise.
5. Networking opportunities: Engage with fellow participants and exchange ideas, fostering connections with like-minded individuals who share your passion for social entrepreneurship
6. You will receive a comprehensive resource pack that includes information on available support for social enterprises at both the local and national levels, assisting you in accessing additional resources and opportunities.
Who can attend?
Any resident living in the Eastbourne Borough Council area who has recently started running a social enterprise/community interest company, or any Eastbourne resident with aspirations to start one.
This workshop is delivered in association with Eastbourne Borough Council. It is funded by the UK government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.