Our plan for Net Zero
If all small businesses do their bit it makes a difference. Sharing what we know and small decisions and shifts every week/month leads to something greater. Micro impact all adds up and every step is a move in the right direction.
Let’s Do Business Group is committed to achieving Net Zero by 2030.
What we have done:
✓ All our sites use low energy high efficiency LED lighting and are sensor controlled
✓ We have reduced paper usage and are using electronic signatures where possible for contracts. By using DocuSign instead of paper contracts, so far we have reduced our carbon emissions by 2614lb, conserved 3279 gallons of water, waved 1113lb of wood, eliminated 180lb of waste.
✓ Hybrid working has cut down commute hours and public transport is encouraged. We are also using virtual meetings more to cut down business mileage. Our business mileage for 2022 was 66,000 miles less than in 2019.
✓ Email inboxes have been cleared, unnecessary newsletters have been unsubscribed from and junk mail deleted. We have halved our stored data and cleared 367GB.
✓ We have purchased modern clearly labelled Recycling Bins and encourage staff to recycle as much as possible.
✓ Staff have been encouraged to keep heating in offices to a set temperature. Heating is set on a timer for office hours. Screens and photocopier are turned off standby when not in use/over the weekend. Kettle to be boiled with what water is needed not overfilled.
✓ Part of our banking is with Unity Trust Bank. A specialist business bank with nearly 40 years’ experience of providing sustainable, ethical banking.
✓ Stopped using single use cups and plates etc. we are now using glasses and mugs and not purchasing disposable.
✓ We are recycling as much as possible. We have donated old IT equipment and office furniture to local schemes or charities. Donated in the last year: 8 Filing cabinets, 20 office chairs, 27 desks, 5 pedestals, 9 meeting room tables, 16 meeting room chairs, 8 desk dividers, 3 whiteboards, 2 noticeboards, 1 server cabinet, 2 projectors, 1 projector screen, 4 fire extinguishers, 14 phone handsets, 8 mobile phones, 3 display cabinets, 5 laptops.
✓ Cancelled our franking machine contract, switched to electronic delivery where possible.
✓ Radiators in unused areas of our business centres are turned off
✓ Heating in both Business Centres is on timer control
✓ Newhaven Enterprise Centre has solar panels
✓ We re-use grey water in Newhaven Enterprise Centre
✓ We have planted wildflower and bee-friendly areas in the grounds of Newhaven Enterprise Centre
✓ Charging points for electric vehicles are available in the car parking area at Ongar Business Centre
What we are doing:
✓ We are working to gather data to accurately calculate our carbon footprint
✓ We are working to educate and encourage our tenants and clients to think green
✓ Changing our Marketing collateral by reducing printing, sourcing more eco-friendly pop-ups and exhibition materials.
✓ We have a buy local policy and use local tradespeople where possible.
✓ We are in talks with local organisations and charities to provide volunteering opportunities to colleagues
✓ We have joined a toner recycling scheme
✓ We are benchmarking and monitoring our energy usage to show reductions
Future plans:
✓ Looking at options for replacing our gas boilers with more eco friendly options.
✓ Plant further wildflower areas and tree planting
✓ Reducing gas/electricity usage – primarily in our Business Centres.
✓ Quarterly monitoring of email account storage, target to reduce overall storage to under 400GB by March 2024, and then 10% pa after that
✓ Continue to reduce paper usage, target of 10% per annum
✓ Monthly monitoring of mileage and continue to reduce, target of 20% per annum
✓ Continue to recycle old equipment
Client’s we have helped on their net zero journeys:
The Big Green Internet Project
We met Michael to discuss the project and to see how partnerships have been key to the success of the project, including some helpful advice from Essex County Council’s business support programme, Backing Essex Business.
KGK Genix
Essex-based creative design and print agency KGK Genix gets a helping hand to go green with support from Let’s Do Business Finance and Backing Essex Business.